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How to clean your dab rig

Congratulations! You purchased a dab rig because you are an avid dabber or you tried dabbing and fell in love. Either way, there are certain things that you need to be aware of. One of the most important matters to be concerned with is keeping it clean. This is important not only because of germs, but also because if any oil is left behind it could be harmful.

First and foremost, between each inhale you need to clean the piece with rubbing alcohol. This will ensure that you do not get germs from the person before you and you do not give germs to the next person that will use the dab rig. That being said, you also need to clean it between uses or ensure that the owner does so. Otherwise, the piece may get clogged from

accumulate reburn or reclaim and become unusable.

Before you begin to clean your rig, you need to decide whether you will keep and reuse the reburn or simply dispose of it. If you choose to reuse it and get the most for your money, be sure to store it properly. There are several attachments that can be purchased to make reclaiming easier. This can also be done after the dab rig has been soaked as the alcohol used to clean the rig should not affect the product.

Once you have gathered up the reburn, you can then pour rubbing alcohol down the stem and let it soak for a few hours. You can swish it around every once in a while. When theliquid looks like coffee, it is recommended that you flush it as the smell will resonate from wherever you pour it out. Be forewarned, isopropyl alcohol is extremely flammable so you must take precaution and make sure it is completely removed and dried on the dab rig before you use it again to dab.

If you have a particularly large amount of reclaim that will not come out with just the alcohol, you can add some salt to it. This will help to eliminate any stubborn reburn that refuses to come off. After you have poured out the rubbing alcohol, you can then put some pipe cleaners in some clean isopropyl alcohol and detail your dab rig until it is perfectly up to your standards.

While you are waiting for your dab rig to be cleaned, you can clean your nail. If you have an e-nail, be sure that it is not connected to the outlet when you do so as you do not want to get electrocuted. If the glass on your rig has expanded and the nail is hard to remove, heat it slightly and turn until it comes loose. Then, once it is out, heat it up until any residue melts off. You can then wipe it down with a cotton ball to remove anything that may be left behind. Be forewarned that you will need gloves or tongs in order to be able to handle the nail as it will be hot.

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